Our Birth
The brand Psalm23 Aromabath & Oils was founded by Frieda Mak in Autumn 2016 upon her return from a short Madagascar missionary trip. She was greatly humbled by the hard work, assiduous and unconditional sacrifice of the missionaries there, and wished in some way to support and contribute to their loving effort in this land afar, where people still live in poverty.
During 2016- 2019 Frieda was making her beautifully handcrafted products alone at home hoping to raise funds for the Madagascar missionaries. To her surprise, she had immense support and compliments from family and friends. New products were introduced each year which are equally loved by family and friends. However, doing it alone has been tiring and she has been praying for sisters in Christ to walk along with her in spreading the good news through these handcrafted fragranced products, hoping for more people to feel loved and inspired by the gospel messages behind each and every product.