Alabaster Bible – Towards Rest



How do we experience the essence of rest? This book delves into this inquiry and explores its significance in our contemporary lives, rhythms, and societal norms.

God rests. From the very beginning, rest is marked with sacred significance among all of creation.
God calls individuals and communities alike into lives, rhythms, and conventions of rest. More than a mere afternoon nap, rest is a holy orientation and divine chronology that completes life as we know it. Just as God rests, we find our rest in His presence.

The purpose of this book is to guide us towards rest, into rediscovering its wisdom and impact in our lives. Through contemplation and the application of various dimensions of rest, may our personal lives be rejuvenated, our families strengthened, and our communities reoriented towards justice and peace. May we find our rest with God. Amen.


The Chapters in this book include the following topics:
1. Rest & God
2. Rest & Awareness
3. Rest & Resilience
4. Rest & Play
5. Rest & Community
6. Rest & Pace
7. Rest & Changing the World

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